The Magic of The Spring Equinox
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An Equinox - from the Latin for Balanced Night - is a day of perfect balance with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of night. Our ancestors recognized it as a day of magic. The Spring Equinox was especially celebrated as warmth returning to the Earth after the long, often frozen Winter. A day to celebrate being able to emerge from the hibernation of the long cold nights to a time of light, growth, and fertility. Of crops, new plans and new dreams just waiting to be planted. Of building and repairs, hopes and dreams.
It can be difficult at times to connect to the holidays our ancestors celebrated. In our modern world, life doesn't stop in winter. We do not have to prepare for it or starve if we don't. We don't have to chop wood and keep fires burning to keep from freezing to death. But Spring is a season I think we all respond to. There is something in the air this time of year - and no, not just pollen!
Even in warmer climates like Florida where I live, I see the signs of rebirth all around me...the trees budding and flowering. Grass growing faster reaching for the warmer sun. Birds building their nests and other animals preparing for the birth of their offspring. The nourishing rain cooling the heat and helping the plants grow. People "spring cleaning" inside and out, planting flowers and making their homes shiny and new again.
Spring is a time to open the windows and let the cleansing breeze sweep thru releasing any negative, stagnant energy. A time to replant your garden, trim the trees and spend time outside enjoying the fresh air and bright sunshine. Getting outside and enjoying nature is one of my favorite spring activities.
This is the perfect time to begin something new - learn a new skill, start a or grow a business, travel and explore. Embrace the burst of creativity this season brings and let yourself play and dream.
A Spring Equinox ritual can be as simple as opening the windows and sweeping your floors to let go of anything you need to release. If you do not have a yard, get a pretty pot, some soil, and plant some seeds infusing them with your intentions for this year - nurture them and watch them grow as your plans take root and bloom. Journal your hopes and dreams for the year and re-read them often as you make it happen. Decorate your home with flowers or make a new wreath for your front door.
Welcome in the new breath of fresh air that is Spring and get ready for all the growth it brings!
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